Installation and Training

We offer installation and training as an option for our customers who purchase our EasyMount Ussing chamber systems. There are obvious benefits to this service, but not all of our customers require it.

The service is customized to the needs of each customer based both on their experience level and on the physical constraints of the laboratory space. Every lab has different constraints so installation of the equipment is customized to fit into the working environment of the particular lab and personnel using it. Likewise, training is customized to fit the expertise of the user.

Installation makes sure the Ussing chamber and voltage/current clamp system is working correctly and is still in factory calibration upon setup. The installation is optimized for the laboratory facility and for the types of studies that will be performed. Installation and setup generally requires about 4 hours, but this is dependent on the laboratory facility and supplies on hand.

Training requires one and a half to two days. Two to three weeks prior to training we will provide a detailed guide explaining the protocols and all necessary chemicals and equipment needed for a successful two day session. It is best to limit the number of trainees to no more than 3 people. We find it best to focus training on one person so that he/she will be able to train others in the lab. Training will be on use of the Ussing chamber technique for studying transepithelial ion or other solute transport. It will include detailed instruction on use of the equipment and data acquisition software, the basics of doing the experiments, trouble-shooting methods and shortcuts to make using the system easy to use.

On day 1, in the morning we install the system; make all connections to auxiliary components such as water bath, air tanks, gas washing bottles, etc. Setup the computer and install software. By mid-day we provide a general description on the Ussing technique (technical level to be based on end-user experience). In the afternoon we demonstrate making of the electrodes, chamber setup, offset and fluid resistance compensation, and electrode troubleshooting procedures (standard protocol, but very important!) In the late afternoon, we aid in dissecting and mounting tissue, perform a short experiment and introduce A&A software. We will collect and discuss analyzing data.

Day 2, in the morning, we assist customer in setting up chambers and mount tissues. We will perform experiments directly related to customer’s needs and describe data acquisition. By mid-day we will discuss experiment design and theory. In the afternoon, the customer will do a new experiment including initial setup and mounting tissues. We will assist the customer in trouble-shooting problems that may be encountered (these problems may be spontaneous or will be subtly introduced to make sure the customer gains experience with them). The customer will receive instruction on how to analyze and export the data to spreadsheets and graphics programs.

Day 1 is essentially about making sure the system works correctly and will demonstrate most aspects of the technique and hardware to the lab personnel. There will be some, but limited hands-on experience during the checkout procedures. Day 2 is all about making sure the user can perform all steps in the experiment to successfully collect data. The customer will have a complete hands-on experience with help from the instructor provided only as necessary. The goal is to enable the customer to perform all aspects of the experiment without instructor assistance.