8-Channel Multi-Channel Voltage Current Clamp with OptiGain
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8-Channel Chassis / Multi-Channel Voltage Current Clamp
Multi-Channel Voltage Current Clamp

The Multi-Channel Voltage Current Clamp with OptiGain is a multi-channel voltage/current clamp designed to be a flexible tool for studying ion transport mechanisms by in vitro epithelial tissues.
It provides the capability to control either the voltage or the current across epithelial tissues, thereby enabling one to measure electrophysiological responses to drugs, hormones, and/or ion substitutions as well as to compare measurements of ionic flux with the short-circuit current. The voltage/current clamp is suitable for use with both "leaky" and "tight" epithelia, tissue samples or cell culture, and works for a very wide range of tissue area.
Each multi-channel voltage/current clamp has the included optiGain feature, which enables the user to optimize the instrument for the characteristics of the tissue under study by setting the current gain and fluid resistance compensation range from a pair of switches located on the front panel. This feature is unique to equipment by Physiologic Instruments.

The Multi-Channel Voltage Current Clamp offers these features:
- A built-in pulse generator for monitoring of the tissue conductance/resistance (TEER).
- Up to eight (depending on the model) independently controlled voltage/current clamp channels.
- Digital readout of the transepithelial voltage or current.
- Compensation for electrode asymmetry potentials over user selectable ranges of ±10 mV or ±100 mV.
- Automatic compensation for voltage errors due to the resistance of the fluid in series with the epithelium - fluid resistance compensation (FRC).
- The ability to clamp either the voltage or current to any DC level in the range ±100 mV or µA.
- A Master Control switch that permits "one-touch" control of all clamp units.
- Recorder outputs for continuous monitoring of the transepithelial voltage and current.
- A pulse generator output providing +, - or bipolar pulses.
- An external command signal input to allow an arbitrary waveform to be clamped.
- A remote control interface jack to allow the Multi-Channel Voltage Current Clamp to be controlled directly by computer using the ACQUIRE & ANALYZE© data acquisition and analysis system or other such remote interface.
- optiGain - switch selectable current gain and fluid resistance compensation range.
View & Download Operations Manual:
Manual for Multi-Channel Voltage Current Clamps - VCC MC Manual
Voltage / Current Equipment Channel Information:

8-Channel Voltage Clamp System
Model: VCC MC8-8S
- (1) VCC MC8 Multi-Channel Voltage/Current Clamp
- (8) MC_601 Voltage/Current Clamp Channels
- (8) DM_MC6 Input Modules with Dummy Membrane
- (1) optiGain for switching gain and fluid resistance ranges

8-Channel Voltage Clamp using 6-Channels
Model: VCC MC8-6S
- (1) VCC MC8 Multi-Channel Voltage/Current Clamp
- (6) MC_601 Voltage/Current Clamp Channels
- (6) DM_MC6 Input Modules with Dummy Membrane
- (1) optiGain for switching gain and fluid resistance ranges
Note: Can be expanded up to (8) clamp channels using MC_601 plug-in modules.

8-Channel Voltage Clamp using 4-Channels
Model: VCC MC8-4S
- (1) VCC MC8 Multi-Channel Voltage/Current Clamp
- (4) MC_601 Voltage/Current Clamp Channels
- (4) DM_MC6 Input Modules with Dummy Membrane
- (1) optiGain for switching gain and fluid resistance ranges
Note: Can be expanded up to (8) clamp channels using MC_601 plug-in modules.

8-Channel Voltage Clamp using 2-Channels
Model: VCC MC8-2S
- (1) VCC MC8 Multi-Channel Voltage/Current Clamp
- (2) MC_601 Voltage/Current Clamp Channels
- (2) DM_MC6 Input Modules with Dummy Membrane
- (1) optiGain for switching gain and fluid resistance ranges
Note: Can be expanded up to (8) clamp channels using MC_601 plug-in modules.